
Well, what can I say. This is my skin and Im comfortable in it. Well most of the time.!!!

Max my beautiful grandson

Max my beautiful grandson

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

mission Accomplished Almost

Well, puzzle pieces designed and completed bar some drying and tying. It was fun but not for me so hoping Sonya likes them. Other than that I started a baby card for Nadia and Tom and little Isla and have done a lot of overthinking cos Im good at that. Turned down a trip to Dunedin with Sonya, Andy and Aimee but felt like I was with Sonya all day doing her puzzle pieces so didnt feel I missed out really. I would have just bought something I dont need or worse still and more likely would never use or even look at again. And Guess what, I have not made the bed but am thinking about getting on to it shortly.

1 comment:

Sonya said...

Good on you for getting those puzzle peices conquired Robyn. Hope you managed to get your bed made before the boys surprise early home coming. ( I was gutted at this end to get a text from Cody saying "we're home, whats for tea?). Am hoping hes planing another trip away soon!!. ( That's me- Mother of the year!!!).
I am thinking Graeme will sleep better tonight without Shopie jumping on him. Cam says he will!Well am very keen to get crafting tonight but common sense is yelling NO at me- or hang on, think that is Andrew, sounds to loud to be my common sense.
Sleep well and happy hoildaying in WanakaXXX


George and his very best mate, the bike.

George in his travel uniform ready to go to Invercargill for the interschool with the debating team

George in his travel uniform ready to go to Invercargill for the interschool with the debating team
George , our debater.